Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) are pieces of evidence that suggest a security breach or malicious activity has occurred on a network or system. They help cybersecurity professionals identify, detect, and respond to potential threats by providing clues about malicious activity.
Below are the default fields, and their meanings, tied to an IOC in the Incident Management System.
Name (card title)
Indicator Type
Uploaded file samples to accompany this IOC entry.
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NOTE: Uploading malware to Notion could be problematic. It is recommended to first compress + password protect the sample before uploading. Provide the password in the Description field for this IOC.
Related IOCs
File name: malware.exe
MD5: a8f5f167f44f4964e6c998dee827110c
SHA1: 85136c79cbf9fe36bb9d05d0639c70c265c18d37
Each of these items would be individual IOCs in the IOC Database, however, they are linked to one another. Note, linking in one direction automatically links in the other direction as well.
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These fields are populated automatically. Read more about the correlation capabilities of the Incident Management System: Correlations